Busy schedules, deadlines and hectic commutes make it difficult to get your daily dose of brain pills. This is where inFact comes in to sharpen your minds, make you more knowlegeble in around the globe in simple words and do this without you having to take the trouble of pouring of books and newspapers! We combine vital news and fun facts to bring that much needed breeze of change into your lives!
inFact aims to provide it's users with the best learning experience possible, interpersed with quirky and interesting facts which will ensure that inculcation of knowledge is fun as never before! It also provides an interactive platfom for the birds of a feather to flock together! You can follow users with the same interests and share titbits you find interesting to others with similar taste! Brighten up your grey cells with innovative technology, space advancements, global politics, business, beautiful art and novel cultures!
Thrill-seeker, serious scholar, bored college student, working class hero : whichever category you identify yourself with, we've got you covered and we can guarantee you'll be hooked in no time!
We believe knowledge becomes a powerful weapon when wielded right and judiciously. We are duty-bound to provide the best services to you free of cost, all day, everyday. Happy inFacting, y'all!
Jadwal sibuk, tenggat waktu dan perjalanan sibuk membuat Anda sulit untuk mendapatkan dosis harian pil otak Anda. Di sinilah inFact datang untuk menajamkan pikiran Anda, membuat Anda lebih banyak tahu di seluruh dunia dengan kata-kata sederhana dan melakukan ini tanpa Anda harus mengambil kesulitan menuangkan buku dan koran! Kami menggabungkan berita penting dan fakta menarik untuk membawa angin perubahan yang sangat dibutuhkan ke dalam hidup Anda!
inFact bertujuan untuk menyediakan pengguna dengan pengalaman belajar terbaik yang mungkin, diselingi dengan fakta-fakta unik dan menarik yang akan memastikan bahwa penanaman pengetahuan menyenangkan tidak seperti sebelumnya! Ini juga menyediakan platfom interaktif untuk burung-burung dari bulu untuk berkumpul bersama! Anda dapat mengikuti pengguna dengan minat yang sama dan berbagi titbits yang Anda temukan menarik bagi orang lain dengan selera yang sama! Cerahkan sel abu-abu Anda dengan teknologi inovatif, kemajuan luar angkasa, politik global, bisnis, seni yang indah, dan budaya baru!
Pencari sensasi, sarjana yang serius, mahasiswa yang jenuh, pahlawan kelas pekerja: kategori mana pun yang Anda identifikasi, kami telah membuat Anda tertutup dan kami dapat menjamin Anda akan terpikat dalam waktu singkat!
Kami percaya bahwa pengetahuan menjadi senjata ampuh ketika digunakan dengan benar dan bijaksana. Kami berkewajiban untuk memberikan layanan terbaik kepada Anda tanpa biaya, sepanjang hari, setiap hari. Happy inFacting, kalian!
Busy schedules, deadlines and hectic commutes make it difficult to get your daily dose of brain pills. This is where inFact comes in to sharpen your minds, make you more knowlegeble in around the globe in simple words and do this without you having to take the trouble of pouring of books and newspapers! We combine vital news and fun facts to bring that much needed breeze of change into your lives!
inFact aims to provide it's users with the best learning experience possible, interpersed with quirky and interesting facts which will ensure that inculcation of knowledge is fun as never before! It also provides an interactive platfom for the birds of a feather to flock together! You can follow users with the same interests and share titbits you find interesting to others with similar taste! Brighten up your grey cells with innovative technology, space advancements, global politics, business, beautiful art and novel cultures!
Thrill-seeker, serious scholar, bored college student, working class hero : whichever category you identify yourself with, we've got you covered and we can guarantee you'll be hooked in no time!
We believe knowledge becomes a powerful weapon when wielded right and judiciously. We are duty-bound to provide the best services to you free of cost, all day, everyday. Happy inFacting, y'all!